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Increase Productivity While Working From Home

For many of us working remotely is a completely new experience. While at first it may seem difficult to concentrate or collaborate as easily as you could at the office, there are steps you can take to create your ideal work set-up at home.

A home office with an Aeron chair.
Define the Space

Define your space.

Create a workspace in your house and go there every day. Try to find an area with minimal traffic flow where you will be able to concentrate. If possible, set up a desk with all the materials you need (laptop, notebook, etc.), so you don’t have to break concentration and leave your workspace throughout the day.

Set boundaries.

Train yourself and your household to view your work space as your personal office, and encourage others to only interrupt you if there is an emergency. Let them know that although your work location has changed, you are still unavailable during work hours and will connect with them when your day is done.


Stick to a schedule.

To stay productive, try to keep the same schedule you would if you were going to the office. Set your alarm, take the time to shower and dress, and make yourself breakfast all before you start working. Stick to the same hours every day and make sure your team knows when you are or aren’t on the clock. During the work day use your time for work-related tasks only and do personal activities before and after business hours as you normally would.

Block excess noise.

While you may no longer need to drown out chatty co-workers, your house may have different distracting noises you need to watch out for. Play music quietly or use noise canceling headphone to block out the busy street or your neighbor’s barking dog.

Amp Up Communication.

Make sure to stay in touch with team members that you would usually interact with at the office. Try calling or using video chat to catch up during the day. Great ideas often arise during casual conversation, so make sure you are still actively collaborating with your team even when you’re at home.

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