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  • Red Level's Modern Workplace Summit

Red Level's Modern Workplace Summit

Join us as panelists including our own Sales Lead Brian Johnson discuss how technology has aided businesses as we all adapt to the New Normal.

A flyer for the Red Level Modern Workplace Summit with logos from MarxModa, the DIA, and Visa Maria.

On October 7th at 12:30 PM EST Red Level will host their Modern Workplace Summit, this time as a virtual experience. One of Michigan's leading technology service providers, Red Level has gained unique insight into how businesses are using technology to meet the challenges presented by COVID-19. MarxModa's Brian Johnson will be joined by panelists from the Detroit Institute of Arts and Vista Maria to discuss how the pandemic has changed how we do business, and the technology that we have counted on to allow us to move forward.

Microsoft Teams image 252 edited
Brian and the MarxModa Leadership Team have worked to make the transition to partially remote work as seamless as possible.


12:30 PM – Panel Discussion – Moving Forward in the New Normal

Learn from business leaders at MarxModa, Detroit Institute of Arts, and Vista Maria on what went well, what failed, and what they learned in the Moving Forward in the New Normal Modern Workplace Keynote Panel.

2:00 PM – How Application Development Can Improve Your Business

We will discuss real-life scenarios where Application Development aided organizations in achieving their overall business strategy and positively impacted their ability to achieve business goals during a time where innovation and timing were crucial.

3:00 PM – How To Secure & Manage Your IT Environment in a Post-COVID World

We will explore how organizations are using Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Azure to provide an increased level of security, compliance, and manageability of on-premises and cloud-based IT environment regardless of where your employees and their devices are using real-world customer stories.

4:00 PM – Modernizing Your Workforce to Plan for Business Continuity

We will discuss the phases organizations have made to transition from fully on-premises infrastructure to a mobile-friendly environment and how you can make sure you are planning for business continuity.

Please RSVP below to register for the Modern Workplace Summit.