
MSU Extreme Green

MarxModa is proud to have had the chance to work with one of our clients for student development. Michigan State University held their annual Extreme Green event for second-year MBA graduate students to give them an opportunity to put what they've learned to the test.

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For this year's Extreme Green, second-year Spartans in the MBA program worked in an experimental workshop to craft a real-world business solution. Dan VanIddekinge, Brian Johnson, and Lauren Williams represented our team and acted as judges for each team's presentation. Using rapid problem-solving, corporate innovation, and business model creation, team members presented their business concepts in a Shark-Tank style competition. Teams of five competed against each other and the best three pitches were awarded. This three-day creative problem-solving event tested their application of everything they've learned within the program.

MarxModa is so thankful to work with Michigan State University to make a difference for our future business leaders!

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